Sunday, April 3, 2016

Tutoring Lesson 2

Good readers know that spelling patterns are important for decoding words and they can sort words based on the common long vowel sound.

Opening and purpose: Today I am going to have you answer a few questions about what motivates you. We are also going to practice sorting words based on the long vowel sound because it is important for us to recognize patterns so we can decode words.

Activity 1: Motivation survey – Student will fill out the Garfield motivation survey.

Activity 2: Running Record – Student will read aloud the passage and I will do a running record.

Activity 3: Word Sort – I will conduct a closed word sort with the student and take notes for future reference.

Activity 4: If there is time, student will read or free write.

Assessment: I will assess the student’s ability to sort words based on vowel patterns using the closed word sort. I will take notes as she goes and also have a discussion about any that are misplaced or confusing.

Closure: Thank you for working with me today. Remember that knowing spelling patterns helps us decode words, so that is why we practice sorting words. I will see you next Tuesday!

Reflection on Student Learning:
            My objective for this lesson was “Good readers know that spelling patterns are important for decoding words and they can sort words based on the common long vowel sound.” Margaret did surprisingly well meeting this objective. She did a great job on the word sort which I have included a picture of her final sort. I was glad that she put the words that didn’t fit into the categories so we had a great discussion on how sometimes words don’t fit the patterns, but more often than not they do fit. After the sort, I asked her to spell out loud some of the words she had missed on the spelling inventory. She used her new knowledge about the long vowel patterns and was able to spell them all correctly. When I asked her why we did the word sort she answered that it was to help her find the patterns.
Margaret put all of the cards in the right category except for the oddball words that didn't really fit; this opened up a nice discussion.

            I wanted to check on her comprehension during this lesson so I did that in two ways. The first was after the running record, I asked her to tell me what it was about. She struggled a lot with this. She answered with a lot of details which sometimes took her a long time to pull from her brain. She did not even identify the main idea. The next thing I did was have her read her free reading book out loud. While she was reading I wrote down some questions that were about the section she was reading. I have read her book many times so it was easy to think of questions that used past text and background knowledge. The questions she struggled with were main idea questions. She knew some details but could not identify the most important things. This shows me that she needs to work on finding the main idea and key details.
We will need to start working on slowing down and reading each word by itself so that words don't get skipped or guessed. Our next running record will be a little harder.

Reflection on Self:

            This second session went very well. Margaret was immediately comfortable with me so we were able to get right into our work. I really think I did a nice job with discussing the spelling patterns with Margaret and helping her see how important is to recognize patterns in order to decode and spell words. The flow of the lesson was nice although I want to work on my time management. 30 minutes goes so quickly and I nearly ran out of time during this session to get everything done that I wanted. I will make sure I watch the clock and don’t go too much over on my times. I’m glad I was able to pinpoint a struggle area for Margaret that I can build a lesson for next week.  

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